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A Coffee Story
Once upon a time in 1992 a little coffee roaster opened their doors Roaster1.jpg (78583 bytes) in Mt. Lookout, a glorious section of Cincinnati with increasing property values and a highly educated and good looking population.  Born as "The Blue Mountain Coffee Company", the little coffee roaster plugged along, happily roasting exceptional coffees.  If it had made any money, it would have been darn near perfect.

In 1996, a second store was opened at the Federated Building in downtown Cincinnati.  This store was started by people who loved coffee, but were young and foolish and had no idea how much work it takes to get a retail operation to sustained profitability.  Despite their best efforts, this downtown store did become profitable.  Good coffee had a second home.

In 1997, the guy who started the Mt. Lookout store said "Hey, we're almost broke.  I'm leaving."  So the two boneheads who started the downtown store started running the Mt. Lookout store.  They learned how to roast coffee and fix espresso machines and tell vendors "the check is in the mail."  After many moons (and much cursing), things were better than ever at the Mt. Lookout store.  And there was much rejoicing.

One day in late 2000, the two boneheads received a letter from a very large and powerful law firm in Atlanta.  This letter was on very important paper and had the words "CEASE and DESIST" on it.  In the letter it was suggested that continuing to use the name "The Blue Mountain Coffee Company™" would be a bad and very expensive idea.  After consultation with their smaller and weaker law firm, it was decided that cowardice was the better part of valor, so they bravely began to change their name.  And that is when "Lookout Joe - Mount Lookout Coffee Roasters" was born.

And that is where we are today, busily roasting superior coffees and delighting customers whilst fighting off the evil hordes of bad coffee purveyors from Seattle, Washington and Flushing, Michigan.


coffee roaster espresso Jamaican blue mountain Kona Kenyan Cincinnati Yauco coffee